Madison Valley Veterans' Memorial HomeAbout Donors Statistics American Flag Military InsigniaGallery360° PhotoFind Your BrickOrder Form SamplesContact Us Find Your Brick Wall 1Wall 2Wall 3Wall 4Wall 5Wall 6Wall 7Wall 8Wall 9Wall 10Wall 11Wall 12Wall 13Wall 3/26Wall 14 Wall 1Wall 2Wall 3Wall 4Wall 5Wall 6Wall 7Wall 8Wall 9Wall 10Wall 11Wall 12Wall 13Wall 3/26Wall 14 Wall 6 Click photo of wall to view larger. Bench at Wall 6 donated by Stephanie & Joe Vujovich Search: Name on BrickWallRowBrick Stewart, James S.611 363 Regiment Army612 Armitage, Jess C.613 Vasina, William A.614 Thexton, Albert E.615 Klatt, Ernest L.616 Alger, George O.617 LaVeau, Phillip J.618 Losee, Ronald E.619 Jenkins, Terrance L.6110 Deibert, Cary C.6111 Wildprett, William R.6112 Quaid, William6113 Faraasen, Arvid621 Ramer, Donald G.622 Wilkins, James C.623 Long, Authur S.624 Crumley, Bill R.625 Manley-Passage, Janet R.626 All Who Served627 Wolff, John P.628 Carlson, Claude E.629 Sciuchetti, Ken E.6210 Henderson, Don E.6211 McCluskey, William R.6212 West, Burke6213 Leadbeater, Alfred E.631 Faraasen, Axel632 Wilkins, Gene C.633 Reints, Elso J.634 Rennewanz, L. H. Slim635 Robison, Vernon E.636 Manley, Charles L.637 Kent, R. Neil638 Barnett, Howard P.639 Rogstad, Kent S.6310 Ghormley, Kenneth6311 McDaniel, Earl C.6312 Orr, Michael M.6313 Leadbeater, Alfred A.641 Gilliam, Gail642 The Freedom They Protected Is Yours643 Mcatee, L. Laurel644 Pfau, Ronald L.645 Robison, Heber K.646 Manley, Charles J.647 McGowan, Jack W.648 8 May 1945 Victory over Germany649 Rogstad, Peter A.6410 Ghormley, M. Morar6411 Westlake, Christopher C.6412 Clark, Michael A.6413 Neely, Monta V.651 Armstrong, Daniel F.652 Carlson, Frank L.653 McAtee, James D.654 Kraft, Traugatt655 Robison, Max L.656 Robison, Frank L.657 Armstrong, Robert C.658 Hansen, Gilbert F.659 Pearson, Carl L.6510 Camp Evans RVN6511 Westlake, Douglas R.6512 Hajny, David L.6513 Powers, Leo J.661 Wieser, Ronald D.662 Brammel, Roger L.663 Henderson, Lonnie C.664 Crane, Newton L.665 Brown, Raymond D.666 Robison, Wayne L.667 Astleford, Nathan L.668 O'Donnell, H. Honker669 Pearson, George O.6610 Groves, Edward E.6611 Westlake, Charles C.6612 Bjork, Theodore E.6613 Hoe, Tom P.671 Kunkel, F. John672 Brammel, Edmon M.673 Saier, Volker G.674 Crane, Marvin E.675 Tavenner, Stanley I.676 Pettit, Robert R.677 Carkeek, Raymond G.678 Harlan, Ridge L.679 Maitin, Chris6710 Chaplain Corps6711 Olson, Gertrude M.6712 Hauck Jr., John D.6713 Kuntz Sr., Peter M.681 Alvis, James P.682 The Day of Infamy 7 Dec 1941683 Black, Leo G.684 Crane, Francis L.685 Company B 1st Recon686 Matzick, Dean A.687 Shores, Richard E.688 Maitin, Benjmin L.689 Maitin, Joseph6810 Martinek, Peter P.6811 Olson, Raymond E.6812 220th Recon Airplane Co.6813 Sciuchetti, Robert S.691 Sciuchetti, Raymond E.692 Giddens, William J.693 Covey, Burley Dean694 Kent, John F. "Jack"695 Simmons, Halroyd G.696 Riphenburg, Howard L.698 Gronning, Howard L.699 Landreth, Timothy A.6910 Knight, Jack E.6911 Hanson, Raymond J.6912 Wootan, Casey O.6913 As you contemplate the themes of this memorial, you may know someone whose honorable service deserves to be commemorated. Will you remember?