
Dedicated on the 4th of July 2001 in Ennis, Montana, this Veterans' Memorial is unique in many aspects. This Memorial is the only one in the Nation commemorating all those who honorably served during times of war or peace, living or deceased, and resident or nonresident. Battles, dates and/or units may also be remembered.

This Memorial continues into perpetuity, since additional bricks are dedicated each year. All funds contributed maintain and improve the Memorial. Families, friends and those in the same unit are grouped together when possible. Names of veterans from 39 different states adorn our walls. Remembered are those who served from the French and Indian War to those currently serving on active duty.

A total of 1,283 bricks consisting of 1,178 individual and 105 in the battle, date and/or unit categories, are featured. There is a story associated with each of these. All ranks from Private/Seaman/ Airman to General/Admiral are mentioned. A virtual history of our Nation's important dates and battles is also located on the walls.

The centerpiece of the Memorial is a sixty-foot lighted flagpole, flying the National Colors. Forming an impressive 120-degree arc around the Colors are seven ten-foot flagpoles that fly the flag of each branch of the service, the Montana State Flag, and the POW/MIA Flag. The river rock based flagpole contains bronze logos from each branch of the service that are three-feet in diameter. A bronze life sized statue of a cowboy entitled "Veterans Legacy" by local artist Dave Lemon stands guard over the Memorial.

The themes of the Memorial are FREEDOM HAS A PRICE and IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER THEM, WHO WILL?

If you know an individual who deserves to be commemorated, or a battle, date or unit you wish to be remembered, please complete the application/order form.